How using RealTyme demonstrates you are serious about client confidentiality

With businesses trusted with sensitive information from various sources, how safe and secure is this data? The need to safeguard this information is crucial, whether it's employee personal data or intricate details about your clients. If you work in a heavily regulated industry, it’s a huge responsibility no matter the size of your business, so what best practices do you have in place to ensure this?

To avoid the risks of breaching client confidentiality, you need to have best practices in place and the right tools to handle information.This is vital to protect not just your clients but also your own reputation. At RealTyme, we work along side enterprises, governments, and businesses to help ensure this doesn’t become an issue, providing a secure place for collaboration in total privacy whilst protecting client confidentiality.

To understand why you should take client confidentiality more seriously and if you are concerned with the potential risks of not doing so, find out how our platform has the solution for you.

Why is Client Confidentiality Important?

Trust is something that has to be earned, and when it comes to handling sensitive information, this can quickly disappear if not taken seriously. The risks are too great for best practices to be ignored, as there are wide implications for not protecting client confidentiality. These can range from:

  • Clients losing confidence and terminating contracts
  • Legal implications for not following DataPrivacy laws and GDPR including huge fines
  • A negative impact on your brand reputation
  • Potentially a business having to cease trading

So, what constitutes a breach of confidentiality? In general, it’s any proprietary data or information that is disclosed to a third party without the consent of a client or business to do so. This can include trade secrets, client lists, employee information and more. Some of the most common breaches can be accidental rather than a deliberate attempt to steal information.

·      Disclosure of personal information about staff – companies hold lots of personal data about their employees that need protection. This includes bank details from payroll, health information and Personally Identifiable Information (PII). If any of this information is disclosed, whether purposefully or indirectly, this constitutes a breach.

·  Client information in the wrong hands – if a third party has hold of information relating to a client and their business, this can have huge implications. A data breach from malicious cyber attacks can occur at any time, looking to get hold of valuable data. But this can also occur through human error, whether talking openly about confidential information to others, or sending confidential data to the wrong email address.

·      Publishing confidential information – if under a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) it’s usually to avoid any sensitive information being made public, agreeing to ensure privacy at all times in line with the legal contract. Social media has made this type of breach all too common, whether images or other written documentation is shared that is indirect breach of an NDA.

Protecting client confidentiality is a priority for most businesses, but how secure and private are your practices and can you do more to ensure this?

3. Confidentiality Importance for Governments & Enterprises

Within any workplace environment, maintaining confidentiality is crucial to ensure sensitive information does not fall into the wrong hands. For governments that hold confidential information on matters of national security, infrastructure, public service and staff, the risks of a breach can be much higher. Many governments have security classifications to determine the type of data they are handling. Official information is anything processed or created by the public sector that could have damaging consequences if breached, whereas any very sensitive information can be classed as secret or top secret, indicating severe consequences if breached.

For enterprises, confidentiality covers all manner of information relating to your sector, whether your industry is healthcare, manufacturing, or finance. Sensitive data on your clients and staff can have huge implications for the future of your business if breached, whether lacking a secure communications platform or just through the carelessness of data handling. Whilst some industries place huge importance on confidentiality and data protection, others leave a lot to be desired.

4. How to Protect Client Confidentiality Using RealTyme

At RealTyme, we put the power back into your hands when it comes to ensuring total privacy and keeping information secure and protected. It’s everybody’s responsibility to ensure data protection legislation is followed and maintained, as it takes just one mistake or cyber security attack to cause huge financial and reputational risks. We’ve helped clients across a wide range of industries and sectors to collaborate securely and prioritise client confidentiality importance. Following ISO 27001informational classification, we ensure that when using our platform any confidential or restricted data and information is kept this way.

With a focus on data compliance, you can protect your workplace from breaches of confidentiality and ensure trust is gained and maintained for your clients and internal processes. Our secure platform provides military-grade encryption which will ensure internal communications and collaboration remains protected and data sovereignty is maintained. Better still, you will maintain administrative control over all data for complete security. End-to-end encryption at rest and in transit is by default, and you can ensure communication within our platform always goes to the intended parties – not to third parties or anyone without access that you can control

5. How to Maintain Client Confidentiality for the Future

Best practices are essential to show you are serious about data compliance and client confidentiality. The main focus to ensure this is maintained should be:

  • Using a highly secure, communications and file-sharing platform
  • Comply with industry regulations unique to your business or enterprise
  • Ensure employees are trained in best practices and use of tools/platforms
  • Keep up to date with security threats that could potentially impact your business
  • Utilize the latest technological advances in cyber-security to avoid malicious attacks

If you are concerned about data protection, compliance, and confidentiality, speak to us today at RealTyme and enquire about our communication solutions. We provide uncompromised security to help you ensure you are not the next victim of a breach of confidentiality.

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